BLAU AD60 Premium Diesel Fuel Improver is a highly effective multi-function diesel fuel improver which improves the combustion characteristics of today’s low quality diesel fuels and prevents formation of sludge, varnish and gum deposits which slowly rob diesel engines of performance.BLAU AD60’s unique formulation delivers quicker, cleaner, more complete combustion by increasing cetane numbers of today’s fuels. At the same time it fights the most common problems associated with diesel fuel ... sludging, oxidation, corrosion, icing and the abrasive effects of ultra low sulfur fuel. The result is cleaner engines and fuel systems, longer injector and injector pump life, better performance, lower emission levels, lower maintenance costs and improved fuel economy.
MARKETSBLAU AD60 Premium Diesel Fuel Improver Markets |
Over the road trucks
Airlines introduced a toilet that used Blaukaiser Fresh Kit - blue deodorizing Bio Organic Sachet that flushed away waste and combatted odor.
We introduce to you our current range of Blaukaiser Bio Organic Cleaners.
During the course of every flight, an aircraft accumulates dust and grime on its external surface.